Picc A Boo Diary Entry #23

After losing my appetite the beginning of July 2023, I started getting pains in my left side. I had quite a lot of things going on at the time so I put it down to stress. I wanted to get it under control so I went to see the doctor. After a number of blood tests and then an ultrasound scan they suspected I had cancer and booked me for an urgent CT scan. My health deteriorated rapidly, I struggled to walk, I was in a lot of pain, I lost an awful lot of weight and my abdomen became deformed. I self presented at hospital before my CT scan appointment because of my rapid decline. The hospital did a CT scan on me and I received the results then and there a few hours later. I was told there were no treatment options and there was nothing they could do, I had pancreatic cancer which had spread to my liver. It was only a case of keeping me comfortable. A biopsy was unlikely because of my diagnosis and the fact nothing could be done. Lucky for me a professor looked at it and I was given the option of chemo. He said it was unlikely to work. However, the tumours seem to be reducing in size which is more than I could have hoped for. I sit here receiving my 5th round of chemo as I write this.
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