Picc A Boo Diary entry #11

My story began ten years ago after major back surgery and delayed diagnosis I ended up with reflux causing severe kidney damage. They prepared me saying within a few years I would need dialysis if things didn’t improve, which they didn’t, the consultant explained I would need a fistula and to have it done sooner so it could develop for when I needed it. It all went well and I started dialysis 2.5 years ago now, I opted to dialyse at home and did home training in centre until I was confident to set off on my own. It’s going ok and like everyone, I have ups and downs, extreme tiredness, cold and the odd day where I’m totally out of action,  I’m hoping for a transplant soon, it’s just a waiting game. I came across your Facebook page from a kidney group I’m on and thought wow hoodies with arm slits so I can be warm while on dialysis. I was over the moon and can’t wait for my hoodie to arrive.

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