Picc A Boo Diary entry #14

I am 56 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer after attending my regular mammogram in July.  It was confirmed using the results from the biopsy taken at the following up appointment in August.  Luckily it was found early and they were confident they could remove it all with clear healthy margins.  I had surgery in September and then the results from the cancer removed were discussed at my follow up appointment in October.  I was informed they had removed all the lump and had good clear margins and there was no cancer shown in the lymph nodes removed.  However because of the type of cancer they had removed (grade 3 and oestrogen negative) they advised chemotherapy as a follow up to blast anything cancer cells that may be in the body.  After a further consultation with my oncologist in early November I decided to go through chemo which would consist of 15 rounds taking me up to spring!   No mean feat but has to be done to safeguard your future health doesn't it.  I started EC Chemo on 31st October and had the second round on 21st November, with another one to go on 5th December, and then all being well I commence weekly chemo for 12 rounds (a different drug).      Its a funny old thing when you are told you have cancer and then what follow up treatment is needed.  Its scary as its out of your control but there are some things you can control - and that is what I have been focussing on.  One of those things is how to make my journey as positive and comfortable as possible.  And one of the things I have been doing is looking for items of self care or clothing to help. And when I came across PiccaBoo I thought what a great idea and have ordered a sweatshirt from them (which is free and that is a fab bonus) which is adapted to allow easy access to your PICC line whilst having your treatment.  It then saves you having to disrobe every time they need to hook you up to the PICC line.     The leaflet was out in the cancer unit I attend and I took a photo of it and went online as soon as I got home after my visit on 21st November and they were in touch straight away!.   Thank you PiccaBoo.

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