Picc A Boo Diary Entry #25

I have suffered with kidney disease since around 2009, when a visit to my local A&E department for chest pains turned in to a Diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease. My kidney disease progressed over time and I eventually had to start Home Peritoneal Dialysis in 2016 and I was placed on the Transplant list, this lasted for around 2.5 years and in October 2018 I got the call we all hope and pray for. The Hospital had me a Kidney match. My new kidney sprung into life and started working straight away functioning around 65%, for 4 years it was perfect and I had my life back. In the summer of 2022 I had a phone call from my consultant telling me to come in right away as my latest blood results had came back and my kidney function had dropped to 40% and they wanted to re do the blood tests. It was confirmed my function had dropped so I was admitted for kidney biopsy and more tests to see why the function had dropped. The results suggested a mild case of rejection, so my medication was all increased and adjusted but despite the best efforts of my doctors my kidney continued to fail. Eventually to the point of being placed back on the transplant list and back on Home Peritoneal Dialysis In Feb 22. I decided to launch a Facebook Appeal for a kidney Donor to try to find me a kidney quicker than just waiting around for god knows how many years just waiting while life passes me by, that’s when Olivia contacted me she had seen my Appeal and offered to make me a PICCABOO Hoodie, with access for my PD dialysis completely free of charge. I chose the brightest green we could find. PICCABOO is an amazing charity and I cant thank you enough for all you’ve done for me 
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